£3495 | Vauxhall Astra SRI

History check summary for registration number: BN62XJA
- Not recorded as stolen
- No third-party trace
2 previous keepers
There are PREVIOUS KEEPER CHANGES recorded against this vehicle. Please note that the keeper is not necessarily the owner, it may be a company vehicle or belong to a third party.
Number Of Previous Keepers 2Date Of Last Keeper Change 18/07/2016 - No plate changes
- No colour changes
Mileage data available
Source Date Mileage MOT 13/08/2024 83936 DVLA 02/07/2024 83000 MOT 26/08/2023 78293 MOT 01/09/2022 73947 MOT 03/09/2021 69805 MOT 26/08/2021 69572 MOT 06/08/2020 62574 MOT 31/07/2018 47737 MOT 06/07/2017 39746 MOT 15/07/2016 29760 The mileage entry showing is the most recent available.
Data for this history check supplied: 13/03/2025 at 09:50