23 February 2021
The AA Driving School and BSM have announced additional support to its driving instructors through the Covid-19 pandemic.
In line with previous AA Driving School and BSM communications, the driving schools have updated the level of support being offered to their franchised driving instructors. This week (w/c 22/02/21), we announced franchise fees will be reduced significantly to £65 per week for all instructors on fixed contracts from March 4th onwards. Instructors who already pay less than £65 pw/ for their franchise will receive the fourth week free in every consecutive four weeks. All instructors are still able to defer their fees should they wish.
We hope that this reduction will go some way towards easing the financial burden of lockdown and we will continue to communicate with and support our instructors throughout this period.
During the first lockdown of 2020, we waived all fees and offered deferments and reductions in the other lockdowns. Full details of previous support measures can be seen here
Throughout the pandemic we, like many other businesses, have had to make difficult business decisions with no knowledge of what the future holds. At all times, we have tried our hardest to balance the needs of our instructors with the need to ensure the support we offer is sustainable for the business.