Improving chargepoint signage could help show growth in charging network

  • Updated Recharge Report reflects chargepoint speed brackets
  • Public network grows by 50% in a year
  • AA president suggests changing signage could help show expansion of network
  • “It is unsurprising that the number of callouts for EV drivers running out of charge has also fallen” says AA president

22 May 2024

The AA EV Recharge Report for April 2024 has been updated to reflect the Department for Transport’s regrouping of chargepoints based on speed. In October 2023**, the speed brackets for monitoring the growth of EV charging across the UK were revised. To keep information as uniform as possible, The AA has now adopted this standard in its EV analysis. Previously, recharge speed bands were listed as Up to 7kW for both domestic and slow kerbside, 8-22kW for Fast, 23-100kW for Rapid, and +101kW for Ultra-Rapid.

Ultra-rapid off-peak charging remains one of the cheapest ways to recharge on the public network, with drivers expecting to pay around £22.40 to add 80% of charge, compared to £31.20 when using a flat rate charger at the same speed.

The movement in petrol prices means that the cost per mile is cheaper for EVs using the fastest chargepoints at off-peak times at 12.66 p/mile compared to 13.32 p/mile for petrol.

“In fact, the top two reasons ICE cars breakdown are the same as EVs breakdowns, that is, tyres and the 12 volt battery.”
Edmund King, AA president

AA EV Recharge Report, April 2024. Flat rates;

Charger type Speed (kW)

Apr Ave (p/kWh)

 Cost to add 80% charge Pence per mile (p/mile)
Domestic Up to 7kW 24 £9.60 5.42
Slow Up to 8kW 52 £20.80 11.75
Fast 8-49 kW 57 £22.80 12.88
Rapid 50-149 kW 71 £28.40 16.06
Ultra-rapid +150 kW 78 £31.20 17.63
Petrol 149.90 ppl £47.97 13.32

AA EV Recharge Report, April 2024. Peak and Off-Peak rates;

Charger type Speed Apr Ave (p/kWh)
Cost to charge to 80% Pence per mile (p/mile)
Slow Off-Peak Up to 8kW 45 £18.00 10.17
Slow Peak Up to 8kW 67 £26.80 15.14
Fast Off-Peak 8-49kW 75 £30.00 16.95
Fast Peak 8-49kW 79 £31.60 17.85
Rapid Off-Peak 50-149kW 75 £30.00 16.95
Rapid Peak 50-149kW 79 £31.60 17.85
Ultra-rapid Off-Peak +150kW 56 £22.40 12.66
Ultra-rapid Peak +150kW 64 £25.60 14.46
Petrol 149.90 ppl £47.97 13.32

Signs and EV breakdowns

Tomorrow (Thursday 23 May), The AA’s president will tell the Traffex conference**** that EV breakdowns for those running out of charge has steadily fallen over the past few years to just over 2% of EV breakdowns, while the top two reasons for breakdowns for ICE vehicles are the same for EVs.

He will also recommend that clearer signing of EV chargepoints will help show the growth in chargers. Adding prices to existing petrol price boards, possibly changing the P on a blue background to a green background or introducing digital display boards would help advertise the numerous locations chargers are found in the public realm.

Green ev parking sign 

Edmund King, AA president, said; “It’s important that drivers interested in making the switch to EVs are given clear information and advice, which is why we have updated the EV Recharge Report. Ensuring definitions around chargers are the same will help people understand what they are likely to use while they travel across the country.

“With around 50% growth in EV chargepoints in the last year it is unsurprising that the number of callouts for EV drivers running out of charge has also fallen to just over 2% of call-outs. In fact, the top two reasons ICE cars breakdown are the same as EVs breakdowns, that is, tyres and the 12 volt battery.

“One of the top reasons drivers say they are hesitant to switch to EVs is their concern about lack of public chargers. By updating the signs to make them more visible will help EV drivers find chargers more quickly and show other drivers that the network is rapidly growing.”

* Average prices are the PAYG options without connection fee as at 26 April 2024. Subscriptions are available for all charge point speeds which can unlock a cheaper p/kWh, however rates vary across provider.

Calculations based on adding 80% to a Vauxhall e-Corsa, 50kW, with a WLTP range of 222 miles. Adding 80% range equates to 178 miles of range. Vauxhall e-Corsa specifications here: New_Corsa-CorsaYes_PSG_3_April_2024_Library.pdf (vauxhall.co.uk)

Calculations based on Vauxhall Corsa 1.2L (75PS) Petrol with a 40 litre tank. 80% refuel = 32 litres.

Petrol: 32 litres @ 149.90 ppl = £47.97. Combined MPG of 51.4 = 360 miles at 13.32 p/mile.

Vauxhall Corsa specifications here: New_Corsa-CorsaYes_PSG_3_April_2024_Library.pdf (vauxhall.co.uk)

** Electric vehicle charging device statistics: October 2023 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

*** Electric vehicle public charging infrastructure statistics: April 2024 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

**** Agendas - Traffex 2024