Hard shoulders are vital for giving motorway drivers a space to use in the event of a breakdown or an emergency. Below, you can find out more about when and how to use a hard shoulder, and how smart motorways affect them.
If you’ve broken down on the hard shoulder, you can get assistance from us – just call 03330 046 046. If you haven’t broken down but would like to be covered in case it does happen, visit our breakdown cover page.

What is a hard shoulder?
A hard shoulder is an emergency lane on the left-hand side of the motorway, usually reserved only for breakdowns. Emergency service vehicles can also use it to bypass traffic to get to the scene of an incident.
Hard shoulders are indicated by a solid white line often containing red reflective studs, which divides it from the main carriageway. To stop you from veering too far left and ending up on the hard shoulder by accident, the white line contains ridges which rumble your car’s steering and wheels.
The standard width of the hard shoulder in the UK is 3.3 metres, which allows enough room for larger vehicles to stop in an emergency without obstructing traffic in the next lane.
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What types of motorways have hard shoulders?
Not all motorways have a hard shoulder. On certain smart motorways, the hard shoulder has been converted into a live traffic lane, meaning drivers need to find a designated emergency refuge area in the event of a breakdown.
The following types of motorways do have a hard shoulder:
- Traditional motorways – these types of motorways were mostly built before the 1980s and feature a permanent hard shoulder as the left-most lane. These motorways don’t have smart features. Examples include parts of the M1 and the M6.
- Controlled motorway – this is a type of smart motorway that has a permanent hard shoulder, with variable speed limits displayed overhead on digital signs.
- Dynamic hard shoulder motorway – on these smart motorways, the hard shoulder can either be used as a live lane for traffic or as an emergency lane for breakdowns. Highways England decides when the hard shoulder is in operation or not. The hard shoulder is typically used as an extra driving lane for traffic at busier times.
The following types of motorway do NOT have a hard shoulder:
All-lane running motorways (ALR) – These types of smart motorways have been designed without any hard shoulder lane. Instead, drivers can find emergency areas at regular intervals. Smart motorways use traffic management systems to help with congestion.
These traffic management systems come in the form of live-updating signs above each lane on the motorway. Occasionally the sign above the hard shoulder lane will change to indicate that you’re now able to drive in that lane.
It’s important to always pay attention to these signs. For example, if there’s a lot of traffic and the hard shoulder is converted to a live lane for vehicles to use, it’s unsafe for you to stop your vehicle on the hard shoulder even in the event of a breakdown. Examples of roads that use ALRs include sections of the M25 motorway around London, along with the M42 and M62.
When should I use the hard shoulder on a motorway?
Unless you have an emergency and need to stop your car, you aren’t allowed to stop on the hard shoulder (or emergency area if you're on a smart motorway). It’s an offence and you may be penalised by the police.
If you have a puncture, medical emergency, mechanical breakdown, or items you are transporting on your car or in your trailer have come loose, you may use the hard shoulder. The hard shoulder should not be used for bathroom breaks, to take a nap when you’re tired, or to stop and make or receive a phone call.
There are some exceptions which will allow you to drive on the shoulder, these include:
- Being instructed to do so by a police officer or a Highways Agency patrol officer – either because of an incident or collision on the road ahead.
- Roadworks – a yellow sign will direct you to use the hard shoulder due to roadworks ahead. Take note that you’ll need to move back into a driving lane once the roadworks have come to an end.
- Smart motorways– the hard shoulder is sometimes converted into a live lane on smart motorways to help alleviate traffic congestion, but there will be signs indicating it’s okay to use it.
How can I use the hard shoulder safely?
You should park to the far left of the road if you need to stop on the hard shoulder and put your hazard lights on to warn passing drivers that you are stationary. If it’s safe to do so, all passengers should exit the car using the left-hand doors to stay well clear of passing vehicles, before waiting behind the barrier for help to arrive.
Remember, you can identify a hard shoulder by the red reflective studs on the motorway between the left-most driving lane and the hard shoulder lane. These are there to give you a warning that you’re crossing over into the hard shoulder. On all-lane running smart motorways, there is no hard shoulder. Instead, look for the nearest emergency area.
What can’t I do in the hard shoulder?
On motorways with an active hard shoulder you shouldn’t do any of the following things:
- Use the hard shoulder as a normal driving lane, or to undertake vehicles in the left-most lane
- Stop for a small break or to make a phone call
- To reach a motorway exit or to jump a queue
- Use the hard shoulder to avoid traffic congestion (even if traffic is moving extremely slowly)
Remember – the hard shoulder is reserved for emergency use only. It’s considered a serious offence to use one inappropriately and can result in penalty points on your driving licence along with a fine.
What to do if you break down in the hard shoulder
If you break down on the motorway and manage to make it to the hard shoulder, make sure to do the following after stopping:
- Switch on your hazard lights and turn your wheels to the left
- Exit the vehicle through the doors on the left-hand side
- Wait behind the barrier to the left of the hard shoulder, if you’re able to
- Leave any animals in the car
- Stay upstream of the oncoming traffic
- Make yourself visible by wearing a high-vis jacket or something bright
If you’re with us already, you can report your breakdown via the app. Even if you’re not a member, you can still get help – just call us on 03330 046 046.
Remember, it’s not safe to attempt any repairs to your car on the hard shoulder, no matter how small they may be.
If your mobile phone doesn’t work or you don’t carry one, you can find emergency phones at certain intervals along motorways. Do not try to cross over to the other side of the motorway to use one. Instead, walk on your side of the carriageway and stay behind the barrier to the hard shoulder if possible. Arrows on the white marker posts will direct you to the closest emergency call box.
Using an emergency phone on the motorway
You will find an emergency (SOS) phone every mile along the length of the hard shoulder on the motorway, and they are in bright orange boxes so you can spot them easily. They’re free to use, and automatically connect to the National Highways or police. If you’ve broken down and can’t see a phone, there will be markers pointing in the direction of the nearest one.
What if you break down in a live lane or there’s no hard shoulder?
According to National Highways' own analysis, stopping in a live lane of an ALR (an all-lane running smart motorway) more than triples the danger to drivers when compared to stopping on a traditional motorway with a continuous hard shoulder.
If you break down in a live lane and there’s no hard shoulder, you'll need to call 999 straight away so they can close the lane you're in. In this case, stay in your vehicle with your seat belt on and all your lights on.
If you’re not in an emergency and would like to be covered, visit our breakdown cover page to get started.
Updated: 05 July 2024 | Author: The AA