Stuck in traffic? Here are our top tips for dealing with a jam.

You may have planned the perfect route for your journey only to end up stuck in a traffic jam. Traffic jams can happen at any time, due to roadworks, heavy congestion or accidents.

To steer clear of stress, check out our best tips for how to avoid getting stuck in traffic in the first place – and how to deal with this unfortunate scenario if it happens to you.

Heavy traffic

1. Be prepared

Before you head off make sure you either eat beforehand or pack some snacks and refreshments. You may be stuck in traffic for several hours, and you wouldn’t want to be hungry or thirsty in that situation.

Be careful though, you may not want to drink too much liquid before setting off – it goes without saying that you may not be able to use the toilet while stuck in a jam.

Make sure you also have enough fuel in your car, as getting stuck in traffic will increase your fuel consumption. Similarly, if your car is an electric vehicle (EV) make sure you have sufficient charge for your journey. It can be problematic if your fuel light is on or your electric charge range is low, and you’re unsure if you’ll be able get to a petrol station or charging point in time.

2. Stay calm

Getting stuck in traffic for long periods can be very stressful, especially if you’re on your way to work or an appointment and you know you’re either going to be late, or not make it at all.

It’s important to realise there’s nothing you can do about the traffic jam, and all the other drivers around you are also stuck in the same situation. Try to avoid road rage, as this will just increase your stress levels, and might lead to a dangerous situation or collision. Instead, practice some slow, deep breathing as this can help to relax you.

You should never use your mobile phone while driving, but if you have a hands-free kit in your car you could let anyone who may be expecting you know that you’re stuck in traffic, and you’re going to be late or might have to reschedule for a later date. Only do this if it’s safe and legal to do so.

3. Stay alert

While it’s great to stay calm, you also don’t want to switch off entirely. If the traffic has been stopped for a while, you might start feeling bored or even sleepy. It’s important that you stay awake and alert to things around you. You can open a window to let in some cool air or drink some water to help you stay refreshed. Having the radio on or listening to your favourite type of music could also help. Find out more about driving when tired and how to avoid driver fatigue.

4. Don’t leave your vehicle

If traffic is at a complete standstill, don’t leave your vehicle to try and see what’s happening ahead. Motorcycles may be filtering between lanes and could pose a potential risk to you, as well as emergency vehicles that may be trying to get through to an accident scene.

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5. Listen to an audiobook or podcast

Reading a book while stuck in traffic may be unsafe, but most literature is now available as audiobooks. Listening to the audiobook version of one of your favourite books is a great way to pass the time safely in traffic.

If you enjoy podcasts that’s another great way to entertain yourself in traffic. Listening to an audiobook or podcast will also help you stay calm and relaxed, as being stuck in a traffic jam can cause stress and anxiety.

6. Check for alternative routes

Checking our AA route planner before you set off could help you avoid getting stuck in a traffic jam by giving you alternative routes to get to your destination.

You may also get information on the traffic situation and different routes available if you listen to the traffic news on the local radio station.

Being stuck in traffic can feel very unproductive and boring, but these tips will hopefully help to keep you safe and give you something to do to pass the time.