Learn to drive in Eastbourne

Driving lessons in Eastbourne from one of the most trusted schools in the UK.

Quality instruction

When you get in the car with one of our instructors in Eastbourne it means you're in safe hands with a driving professional who's trained to get you on the road as safely as possible.

Top notch pass rates

Did you know that the AA's first-time pass rate is better than the UK average? 13% better in fact! That's because all our instructors are fully qualified experts in driving instruction. Start your driving journey with the AA and you'll be on the roads in Eastbourne confident in your new driving skills.

One of the UK's biggest and best

Our experience and expertise is called on to deliver 20,000 lessons a week to pupils around the country. Learn with us and well have you driving around Eastbourne safely and confidently.

Your guide to learning to drive in Eastbourne

Your guide to learning to drive in Eastbourne

Our expert team of instructors in Eastbourne know the test routes inside out. If youre a little worried about busy roads, tricky junctions and driving through rush hour, theres no one better to have at your side. Theyre familiar with the smallest streets and the fastest dual carriageways after years of teaching pupils to drive. They'll pass on all this knowledge and make sure youre prepared for everything and anything on test day. Put your trust in us and well put you in the driving seat sooner than you might think.

Instructors in Eastbourne

Neel Patel





John Matthews


Ford Puma



Andrew Thorley


Peugeot 208



Test centre locations near Eastbourne

There is 1 practical test centres and 1 theory test centre in the Eastbourne area.

Eastbourne (Theory Test Centre)

Theory test centre

Pass rate: 48%

Senlac House, 53-58 Seaside, Eastbourne, BN22 7NE


Practical test centre

Pass rate: 50%

1 Coastguard Cottages, 84 Wartling Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7PT



Parking available

Test centre pass rates around Eastbourne

Pass rates can change between test centres quite a bit so, it can be worth reviewing the ones near you. Find out how your local test centres in Eastbourne compare here. Eastbourne has several different routes in the area that cover everything from busy streets to extensive roundabouts. Dont worry too much though, as your AA driving instructor knows exactly how to fully prepare you for everything youll encounter on the big day. We'll make sure youre 100% ready to take on the challenge, and cruise to victory.



Eastbourne (Theory Test Centre)


Trusted by students in Eastbourne and across the whole of the UK

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Driving Lessons in Eastbourne