Learn to drive in Liskeard
Driving lessons in Liskeard from one of the most trusted schools in the UK.
Quality instruction
When you get in the car with one of our instructors in Liskeard, you know you're in the safe hands of a qualified driving instructor who knows how to get you behind the wheel safely.
Top notch pass rates
Did you know that the AA's first-time pass rate is better than the UK average? 13% better in fact! That's because all our instructors are fully qualified experts in driving instruction. Learn with the AA and you'll be cruising around in Liskeard in no time.
One of the UK's biggest and best
Our reputation is the best in the business, which is why we deliver a massive 20,000 lessons every week. Stick with the AA and we'll have you feeling good about driving and safely on the road in Liskeard in a jiffy.
Your guide to learning to drive in Liskeard
Your guide to learning to drive in Liskeard
Trusted by students in Liskeard and across the whole of the UK
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