Learn to drive in Truro

Driving lessons in Truro from one of the most trusted schools in the UK.

Quality instruction

When learning with one of our instructors in Truro, you know you're in the safe hands of a qualified driving instructor who knows their stuff to help you pass your test.

Top notch pass rates

Did you know that the AA's first-time pass rate is better than the UK average? 13% better in fact! That's because all our instructors are fully qualified experts in driving instruction. Start your driving journey with the AA and you'll be cruising around in Truro confident in your driving abilities.

One of the UK's biggest and best

Our experience and expertise is called on to deliver 20,000 lessons a week to pupils around the country. Let us teach you and well have you driving around Truro in no time at all.

Your guide to learning to drive in Truro

Your guide to learning to drive in Truro

Instructors in Truro

Pavel Popov


Vauxhall CORSA



Carlo Jayrold Dela Cruz


Peugeot 208



Adam Nightingale


Volkswagen Golf



Test centre locations near Truro

There is 1 theory test centres in the Truro area.

Truro (Theory Test Centre)

Theory test centre

Pass rate: 50%

Palace Buildings Public Rooms, Quay Street, Truro, TR1 2HE

Test centre pass rates around Truro

Pass rates can change between test centres quite a bit so, it's worth checking out those local to you. Check how your nearest test centres in Truro stack up in our handy chart. Truros got some challenging sections on the driving exam routes to really test your driving ability. Never fear! Our trained instructors are there to give you a helping hand. We'll make sure youre ready to rock and roll! Get ready to cruise to victory.

Truro (Theory Test Centre)


Trusted by students in Truro and across the whole of the UK

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