Learn to drive in Warrington

Driving lessons in Warrington from one of the most trusted schools in the UK.

Quality instruction

When you get in the car with one of our instructors in Warrington it means you can be safe in the knowledge that you are learning from an expert driving instructor who knows how to get you behind the wheel safely.

Top notch pass rates

AA instructors get the best results. Our 62% first time pass rate is 13% better than the national average. That's because all our instructors are fully qualified experts in driving instruction. Start your driving journey with the AA and you'll be out and about in Warrington safely and confidently

One of the UK's biggest and best

Our experience and expertise mean that AA learners need, on average, only 40 hours of lessons to be test-ready. Learn to drive with us and we'll have you feeling good about driving and safely behind the wheel in Warrington in no time.

Your guide to learning to drive in Warrington

Your guide to learning to drive in Warrington

Our local instructors in Warrington know the area inside out. Our instructors are well trusted because of their combination of intricate local knowledge and excellent training. Theyve been negotiating the areas highways and byways for years and will ensure youre prepared for everything that could be thrown at you. They'll pass on all this knowledge and make sure youre prepared for everything and anything on test day. If you want to boost your chances of success, theres only one choice to make.

Instructors in Warrington

Deborah Simm





Hei Fung


Peugeot 2008



Thomas Dobson


Citroen C3



Test centre locations near Warrington

There is 1 practical test centres in the Warrington area.


Practical test centre

Pass rate: 53%

Warrington Borough Council Orford Day Centre, Festival Avenue, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2 9EP



Parking available

Test centre pass rates around Warrington

Test centre pass rates can vary quite a bit so, it can be worth reviewing the ones near you. Check how your nearest test centres in Warrington stack up in our handy chart. Warringtons got some challenging sections on the driving exam routes to really test your driving ability. Never fear! Our trained instructors are there to give you a helping hand. Well get you ready, take you there, let you use our car and give you all the support you need to pass with flying colours.



Trusted by students in Warrington and across the whole of the UK

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Driving Lessons in Warrington