Defaqto ratings FAQs
Star rated insurance
We're really proud that for the 16th year running Defaqto has given 5 Stars for our comprehensive car insurance cover.
And we've also achieved 5 Stars for our Gold and Platinum home insurance. These Defaqto ratings recognise our commitment in providing consistent, top quality cover to our customers.
What is Defaqto?
Founded in 1994, Defaqto is one of the UK's most trusted sources of financial product and market intelligence, supporting financial institutions, intermediaries and consumers to make smarter financial decisions.
What are Defaqto Star Ratings?
Defaqto's team of experts select the most important features and benefits for an insurance product, and then use them to score all the products in the market. By totalling the scores, each product is assigned a Star Rating on a scale from 1 to 5.
This gives you a simple and trustworthy way to gauge the quality of a product's features and benefits, rather than on price alone.
Cheaper policies often exclude key elements of cover, which could leave you exposed when it comes to making a claim. Hence Star Ratings can help you to compare the level of cover, and only the most comprehensive policies get 5 Stars.
You can read more about Star Ratings on the Defaqto website.