"An Eggstraordinary Job"

#ithappenedtome #WearetheAA

A lot of AA Patrols have stories about rescuing animals locked in vehicles. But mine might be the most... eggstraordinary.

It started when I got a notification for a job that simply read "Pet locked in vehicle - it's a chicken."

"I wonder what the story is there", I thought to myself!

It turned out the chicken's name was Cordelia. And she was off to a photoshoot. As y'do.

Not one to get in a flap, I set about gaining hentrace to the vehicle. And when I did, Cordelia was able to make her eggsit.

I got a big thank you off the Member, who was so pleased she gave me a souvenir to remember the job by: a large chicken's egg, freshly laid by Cordelia herself. Not a poultry return for a single job's work!

I'll stop with the puns now.

Nicolas Pashouros, AA Patrol

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