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Knowing what to do when you break down on the motorway can be the difference between keeping yourself safe and being involved in a collision. It can be a scary situation, especially if you break down in a live traffic lane. Our guide below will explain exactly what to do if this happens to you.
The best thing you can do before setting off is to check your vehicle to make sure it's in tip-top shape – this will help you avoid breaking down while on motorways.
What to do if you break down on a motorway
Quick help:
The most important thing is to get to a safe place and call for help. Here’s what to do:
1. Try to get off the motorway
- If possible, turn off the motorway at the next exit
- If you can't, pull onto the hard shoulder
- Make sure you stop as far to the left as you can, with the wheels turned to the left
2. Turn on your lights
- Turn on your hazard warning lights
- If it’s dark or foggy, keep your sidelights on too
3. Wait in a safe place
- It’s usually safest to get out of your car (using the doors facing away from passing traffic) and wait behind a barrier
- Leave any animals in the car
- Move up the bank if you can
- Stay upstream of the oncoming traffic
4. Make yourself visible
- Put on a high-vis jacket if you have one
5.Get help
- If you're already a member and break down on the motorway, you can call us on 0330 102 9983 to get help. You can also get instant breakdown cover if you aren't a member with us by calling 03330 046 046
- It’s not safe to try repairing your vehicle – no matter how simple – if you’re on a motorway
- If you don’t have a mobile phone, walk to an emergency phone on your side of the carriageway. Follow the arrows on the posts set behind the hard shoulder – the phone is free and connects directly to the police or National Highways
Which way should you walk if you've broken down on the motorway?
Once you're behind the safety barrier of the hard shoulder, you should look for motorway marker posts (these look like short white posts with a long red mark on the front). On the side of these marker posts there will be an arrow directing you towards the nearest emergency phone. Using the arrows for guidance, walk to the nearest emergency phone. Keep a constant look out for traffic while walking on the hard shoulder.
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What not to do if you're broken down on a motorway
There are also some things that you should not do in the event of a motorway breakdown. Don't take a chance with any of the following, even if you think it's quiet or safe enough:
- Don’t put yourself in danger by attempting even simple repairs
- Don’t try to use a warning triangle - it’s not safe on a motorway
- Don’t take your pets out of the car as they could run out into the road
- Don’t stand next to your car while you wait, or stand between your car and oncoming traffic
- Don’t stand downstream of your car and oncoming traffic, even if you’re behind the barrier
- If you spot someone else broken down on the motorway, don't stop to help them, even if it's a friend. Instead, call National Highways (0300 125 5000) or the police (999)
You can also find information about what to do if you break down in Highway Code rules 274 to 287.

What to do if you break down on a smart motorway
Quick help:
A smart motorway is a motorway that uses different methods to manage the flow of traffic. If you break down on a smart motorway, there might not be a hard shoulder. If there’s no hard shoulder, follow these steps instead.
1. Get to an emergency area (EA)
- If your car can still be driven, get to a service area or leave at the next junction
- If you can’t, aim for the next emergency area
2. If you break down in a live lane, then:
- Try to get the vehicle into the leftmost lane and as far off the carriageway as possible
- Turn on your hazard lights as soon as possible
- If you’re in the left-hand lane and it’s safe to do so, get out of the vehicle on the left-hand (passenger) side and wait behind the barrier. Stay upstream of oncoming traffic
- If you can’t get out, or you’re in another live lane and it’s not safe to leave the vehicle, stay in the car with your seat belt on and dial 999
3. Call for help
- If you’ve managed to get off at an exit or you're in a safe place, then you can report your breakdown online or via our app (if you're already a member). Otherwise, call us on 0330 102 9983
- If you stop in an EA, you must use the SOS phone to contact the Regional Control Centre. They’ll then contact us
- If you’re in a live lane, call 999
Find out more about smart motorways.
How should you rejoin the motorway after a breakdown?
After your vehicle has been fixed, you’ll need to carefully re-join the motorway. There are some important steps to this process that you need to be aware of, especially if you're in an emergency area on a smart motorway.
If you’re on the hard shoulder:
- Build up speed before you re-join the carriageway and watch for a safe gap in the traffic
- Be aware that other vehicles may be stationary on the hard shoulder
- Use your right indicator to make people aware you're re-joining the motorway
Find out more about the hard shoulder on motorways.
If you’re in an emergency area:
- Once your vehicle is fixed, we'll contact the Regional Control Centre on the SOS phone and follow their instructions on how to leave safely
- Lane one may need to be closed because there isn’t enough space to build up speed in an EA before re-joining the motorway
- Never try to leave an EA unless National Highways has said it’s safe to
What are common causes of motorway breakdowns?
Many problems with your car can be avoided by carrying out regular maintenance and other checks (for example not ignoring dashboard warning lights). However, the worst can still happen on occasion – these are some of the most common causes of motorway breakdowns:
- Tyre blowouts and punctures (either due to old tyres or debris on the roads)
- Engine failure or engine overheating
- Lack of fuel
- Faults with the battery
- Electrical faults
- Transmission issues
- Faulty brakes
- Extreme weather conditions like snow, heavy rain, and ice
How does Free Recovery on the motorway work?
‘Free Recovery – await rescue’ signs may appear on parts of the motorway where roadworks are happening. This is a service operated by National Highways and is there to help stranded motorists when there’s already road congestion or a reduced number of lanes available to drivers.
They will tow you to a safe spot away from other traffic, but then it will be your responsibility to arrange for further assistance or rescue with your breakdown cover provider.
What to do if you break down in roadworks
When driving through roadworks, you’re likely to have less space than normal due to lane closures, which can make breaking down quite a stressful event. If you can, try and do the following:
- Drive your vehicle to a safe location if it’s still operational – the hard shoulder or a designated layby are ideal
- Call National Highways for assistance on 0300 123 5000
- Look out for any signs or instructions from the roadworks staff, as they may direct you to a designated area
- Make yourself visible to other motorists and roadworks staff by turning your hazard lights on
- Stay calm and patient, and ready to follow the instructions of National Highways or roadworks staff
What to do if you have a collision on the motorway
Collisions on the motorway are a horrible experience and can be extremely dangerous if they happen at high speeds. If you can, stay calm and call 999 immediately in the event of a serious crash. Otherwise:
- Move your car to a safe location, like the hard shoulder, an emergency area, or a designated layby
- Turn on your hazard lights and wear a high-visibility vest, if you have one
- Wait for emergency services to arrive, and provide them with any information they need
Your safety and the safety of any passengers should be the top priority. Make sure to call 999 and ask for medical help if needed.
When are you allowed to stop on the motorway?
There are only a handful of reasons to stop on a motorway:
- In an emergency situation, such as your vehicle breaking down, you are allowed to move over to the hard shoulder and stop there
- If a police officer directs you to stop on the motorway, you should pull over on the hard shoulder
- If National Highways staff direct you to stop while you’re driving on the motorway, then you’ll need to follow their instructions
- If traffic comes to a complete standstill due to roadworks or lane closures, you can stop your car and switch off the engine while you wait
Stopping on the motorway for any other reason will likely be considered illegal.
Is it illegal to stop on the hard shoulder of a motorway?
Stopping on the hard shoulder of a motorway for any of the following reasons is considered illegal:
- To take a break or a nap – instead, plan regular breaks on your journey and consider using service stations
- To use your phone or take a call – leave the motorway and find somewhere safe to stop if you really need to use your phone
- To pick up or drop off passengers
- To switch drivers
Do you get points for driving on hard shoulder?
If you’re driving on the hard shoulder and haven’t been directed to do so by a police officer or National Highways staff, or due to an emergency, then you could be fined and receive 3 penalty points on your licence.
Driving on the hard shoulder for any other reason could be extremely dangerous, primarily because other drivers won’t expect you to be there. You also might not see other stationary cars sitting in the hard shoulder until it’s too late.
Find out more about the hard shoulder on motorways.
What to do if you have a disability
- Stay in your vehicle, and put your car’s hazard lights on so your vehicle is visible to passing motorists
- Call 999, and be sure to tell the operator that you have a disability or that you are a vulnerable person
- You can purchase a ‘Hidden Disabilities Sunflower’ sticker for your car, which is s a globally recognised symbol for non-visible disabilities, also known as hidden disabilities or invisible disabilities
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Find out whether people know the correct place to stand if they break down on a motorway.
Last updated: August 5th 2024 | Author: The AA