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Added: 13th of October 2016
Practical vehicle suitable for families.
Added: 23rd of June 2016
So happy with this purchase, having bought one b4 the Orlando has not disappointed, great ride, loads of space and it looks great!
Added: 8th of February 2016
Had car over 2 years , had nothing gone wrong with it . Loads of room in side, seats fold great to the floor leaving load cargo bay . Great all road view . Petrol 5 speed gear box , not to noisy done half shift . Best gamble on a car ever made .
Added: 13th of July 2015
have owned this car from new and have owned and driven many other cars from new for personal and work , this 2 ltr. manual 7 seater is one of the finest motorway cars I have driven for the price, with this model it needs to be held back or you will be doing the ton without thinking. Seat six and seven accommodate older children with ease but for larger adults it is a bit tight. For a vehicle of this size I am amazed at the economy and performance compared to some other 7 seat vehicles and some 5 seat vehicles in this price range. I get a genuine 48 miles per gallon loaded driving through France and 30+ around town and road tax £180ish my only criticisms but the price I am prepared to pay is that the 6 speed box does not like second gear at very low speed and as a town car ( due to the state of our roads) it feels all the lump and bumps, the price for this model secondhand 3 years old is a gift, Issue for Chevrolet, please supply a spare wheel,
Added: 16th of November 2013
The Orlando is an excellent car, powerful, economical with good build quality, however on the practical side like a lot of other cars on the market the engineers have not used their brains! when opening a door on the car the one light that must turn on is the one for the driver, after all the driver needs to see to put the key in the ignition and like most other new cars no spare wheel is provided as standard but you can't even buy a kit to fit the spare wheel! a black mark for all car makes who don't make spares wheels available, that having been said I feel I have made a good purchase.
Added: 14th of October 2013
extremely limited view thru the rear window due to small size of window and 5 headrests -seats are comfortable enough,could do with more space for the rear passangers and certainly more luggage space which is minimal for a vehicle desined to carry 7 -although this is a fault with all MPVs.As there are only 5500 miles on the clock there hasn't been enough usage to show up the flaws if any- so generally satisfied
Added: 12th of October 2013
a very good solid dependable car for the larger family. a bit heavier than some on fuel but averaging 42+ mpg . took a bit of getting used to as it is quite large and feels bigger than it is when on narrow roads . a good ride although a bit wallowy when cornering on a full load with a top box .
Added: 12th of October 2013
I've just down sized from a Hyundia Trajet to the Chevrolet Orlando and have found no real problems with the car other than not being able to add a spare tyre on to the car, The engine is quiet, very smooth on the power output, I find I drive with the revs in a range between 1000 and 2000rpm, the clutch could do with being a little bit heavier under foot as its hard to find the catch point but that may be just my car, overall I can't wait to drive it from England to Italy in January to find out how it performs high up in the alpes. I have some thoughts that could make the car far more user friendly, in the back a quick release system for seats 6 and 7 so they can be removed would be very nice and would give a lot more luggage space, and how about providing a usb socket up by the rear view mirror for satnavs and the like.
Added: 12th of October 2013
The Orlando is a good compromise between a full blown people carrier and a normal car as the occasional 2 seats in the rear give enough room for a 2 full grown adults for most distances. Daughters boyfriend is 6ft 5in and has regularly used these seats when we have 7 in the car. The shape is different to other 7 seaters which I like, although some don't. Drive is good for this type of car and I routinely get 35mpg from it as most of my journeys are short 10 miles or less in and around town doing the normal commute to work and back, kids to and from school/clubs etc. I have adjusted my driving style to get this but most now say I'm smoother and more relaxed because of this, although it does have the get up and go to overtake or have a blast down a country road if required. Longer journeys the MPG goes up to 45+. Equipment on the LTZ I bought is great, in built sat nav is useful when going somewhere new, although I'm never going to pay the excessive fee requested for a new disk to update the maps, so it will eventually become more and more out of date. The only issue I have had was very early on when the turbo failed, but this was replaced under warranty, although it took the dealer nearly 8 weeks to get the parts. Dealer service during that period was excellent as delay was due to lack of parts from Chevrolet. Overall I and my family (wife and 3 teenage girls) love the car.
Added: 11th of October 2013
A spacious and comfortable car. Good to drive. Easily converts from five to seven seats. Good carrying capity