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Car leasing

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Car leasing FAQs

What’s the return process?

You'll need to call the customer service team on 0344 472 1081 to arrange collection of the vehicle. 

They'll need to know the collection address, preferred date (excluding weekends), the registration and a contact name, phone number and email address. 

We require a minimum of 2 working days notice to arrange a collection. 

Due to the coronavirus, a typical handover isn't possible at the moment. The collection driver will carry out the following steps to inspect the car. 

  • Keys, door handles, steering wheel and associated controls will be sanitised prior to the inspection process. 
  • Following the inspection, the driver will highlight any damage on the vehicle with you, while keeping a safe distance. 
  • Photos of any highlighted damage will be taken by the collection driver. 
  • You can have a copy of the inspection report via email. 
  • The driver will sign his tablet on your behalf and upon completion they'll take the car away. 
Still have questions?
Call us

0344 472 1081

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Calls are free of charge

Contact us

Why not send a message via our online contact form.

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