Borrowing £10,000 at a representative APR of 12.4%, annual interest rate (fixed) 12.4%, 59 monthly payments of £221.08 followed by 1 payment of £231.08, total cost of credit is £3,274.80*, total amount payable is £13,274.80.
Used BMW X1 Cars for Sale in Willenhall
Here's our list of all BMW X1 cars for sale in Willenhall. Remember, you can add any of them to your shortlist or even save your search so that when new BMW X1 cars for sale in Willenhall become available we'll send you an email to notify you. All of these cars come with 12 months’ free breakdown cover, or the ability to add an upgrade for the rest of the year to your existing policy for £10, and a free-to-view vehicle history. Good luck with your search.
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of 31