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Added: 24th of June 2020
Purchased this car in April 18, as pre Reg by garage (Sept 17) but no previous owner.  Have been reasonably happy until recently - can’t get on with the display which tells you when to change gear.  Always seems to advise you to change up and down far too soon.  Still, not a major problem as I just ignore it and do my own thing.  However, this car is now in the garage as I found last weekend that the mats were soaking wet on the front and rear passenger side.  Together with a mate we took all floor coverings out (water poured from them) and set about draining the pond that was in both foot wells.  Must have vacuumed up about 15 litres of water and there was still an amount left. Upon phoning garage they gave appt for 3 weeks time ! NOT happy, so went in person to them and complained.  Left the car with them and next morning a phone call informed me that there was dust in the Scuttle drain on the drivers side  (not passenger) - they would clean this out  - leave the car to dry out and for this they would like just under £500 !  Also, they could not guarantee this would not happen again. They say it is not under the 3year guarantee we were given and according to research on the Internet, this is a well known fault on Renault especially Clio’s, which of course is what the Captur is built on technically.  Am not a Happy Bunny !!  Surely this is a design problem, and also I think it should be included in the service check annually. Can be quite dangerous as well, due to the amount of water which could affect the electrics etc. and the seat mountings rusting.  Will not be happy in future on Motorways.  Cannot understand their explanation - “ you must have been parking under trees “ - I live in an apartment block, no trees in sight far as the eye can see, and I try to never park under trees elsewhere due to bird droppings and sap from leaves.  Had no choice but to have it done, but am now without a car for over a week, possibly more.  Would not buy a Renault again.  Hope this helps someone.
Added: 20th of February 2019
Bought my Captur from new with Renault’s EDC auto box fitted. Wish I hadn’t. This box seems to search for the right gear on a frequent basis and sometimes stays in a gear when it should be shifting up necessitating me having to change up using manual mode. Had garage check it and they suggested leaving it in Eco mode. Car is otherwise ok but nothing exceptional. Despite New a few rattles and no where as well put together as comparable vehicles from others. Would I buy again? A firm no. If you must have an auto, look elsewhere.
Added: 12th of October 2016
The car was chosen with some trepidation, but has proved to be very good in all the major areas as indicated above. The provision of a covered lower boot area has proved ideal for storing all the basic mechanical and safety equipment needed. Keeps it out of sight and secure. Performance is good and has consistently supplied high 50/low 60 MPG.
Added: 12th of October 2016
I am very pleased with the performance and level of comfort in my captur it comes with a few handy bells and whistles which have helped improve my driving economy
Added: 11th of October 2016
After owning many vehicles in my time, I think that people should avoid buying cheap runabouts,they will not last long and cost a lot of money to run after paying repair bills, which arrive sooner than if you save up for a more reliable one, the last two cars that I have had have been made by Renault and have been fairly reliable. Always have your car serviced regularly at a good garage, not by a mate who knows a bit about engines.
Added: 11th of October 2016
A quite serious problem arises when pulling out from a T junction dependant of the cars angle to the road. There is a blind spot particularly on the passenger side where you can not see oncoming traffic until you pull out. Had one or two near misses even though I am extra cautious. Maybe it is because of my height being sat further back. Would like to know if others are experiencing the issue
Added: 2nd of October 2016
Lovely car, lots of room, cheap to run & no road tax to pay. Nice looking car too! We went for ivory & black roof which is very smart had loads of compliments.
Added: 15th of November 2013
Changed from a sports crossover to this vehicle to give more leg room in the rear without compromising height off the road and to accommodate a partner not enjoying driving a big vehicle. Surprisingly pleased with the comfort, facilities, performance and economy. However, although I have owned 4 previous Renault vehicles, I have not had this one long enough to comment on the reliability.
Added: 11th of October 2013
Very nice car to look at and very good car to drive .Eco deseil engine good mileage per tank Love my car 10/10 Shugster