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Added: 9th of May 2019
Bought my 2.2 Vectra Elite estate with 16k on the clock in 2009 and it's just rolled over to 200k miles. It's been an excellent motorway car and has never left me stranded. It is, however, on its third fuel pump: a well known weakness on these cars. I bought it originally because of its carrying capacity: the boot space is huge when the passenger seats are flat. Other than shocks, tyres (stopped buying Goodyears after a few years as they're so expensive), brakes and service items, not much has had to be replaced, though it had a new exhaust system at around 150k miles. I dislike the 'one touch' indicators, as most owners seem to. They lead to comic (and sometimes sketchy) situations on motorways where you try to correct the indicator to turn it off which then turns on the flasher on the opposite side. The electric boot (on this Elite model, which was supposed to lift or descend with a touch of a button on the fob) was one of the first things to fail on the car. Avoid if you can. I've been happy with the car's torque and reliability; electrics are proving to be the car's weak spot, with wiring starting to degrade and little problems arising (like passenger window not working from that side etc). I've had it serviced regularly every year and except for some bodywork issues starting to show themselves, I can see no reason why it shouldn't keep going for another 20 or 30 thousand miles.
Added: 23rd of April 2019
Never got less than 49 mpg and been super reliable with 249k im only changing it because of the ulez in London. I may consider the sri petrol estate as a replacement. This car is much better than the mondeo's estate of the same year.
Added: 16th of November 2018
The one touch indicators take a bit of getting used to. Many a time I have tried to cancel the left but turned on the right instead. The armrest is that low I would have to sit at a 45 degree angle for it to be any use and when pulled out makes it awkward to get at the handbrake. On the Exclusiv model they use "structra" wheels which are plastic covers but look like alloys. They are so convincing they still confuse even dealers. My Vectra is black, which is a pain to keep clean, but once polished up she looks awesome. The previous owner had ripped out the standard airbox and replaced it with one of those K+N "performance" filters which isnt my cup of tea but I must admit the car does sound good with it on so I left it. Although the seats are firmer than a Ford, they are quite comfy and all dashboard controls are in a logical position. You definitely get a lot of car for your money plus maintenance and spare parts are low cost. Would I get another?. You bet I would.
Added: 14th of October 2016
no serious problems serviced when MOT due
Added: 13th of October 2016
Very pleased with this and my previous R reg. Vectra Car - which had a petrol engine and did over 220,000 miles with no major breakdown
Added: 13th of October 2016
Indicators quite difficult to operate properly and hence causes the indicators to give the wrong signals and are therefore dangerous ! Despite my driving style being designed to save fuel, I am disappointed with the mpg. I also bought diesel for the expected extra miles to the gallon which I haven't achieved with my mpg only averaging 39 mpg ! Disappointing ! All sorts of weird and wonderful tools needed and having to be bought because of all the bolt heads having new designs which your existing spanners don't fit ! It is quite obvious that the makers are trying to force you to use their garages because you don't have the new tools required ! On top of this, the new designs are far inferior to the original bolt head designs which gripped with the spanner far better ! The new designs cannot be gripped as well as the old ones which had a larger surface area to be gripped , whilst the new and many different designs fail on due to the surface areas being far less and, I think there is more probability that the new type spanners etc., will slip off the bolt head and cause knuckle scuffs ! This, mechanically speaking, is a very bad idea ! If it works well, don't change it ! Also, if you have the mid console cd box lid shut, it doesn't leave enough room to grip and employ the hand brake lever which means you end up driving all the time with the lid wide open ! Again, a very poor design ! Lastly, I have only just discovered the engine is not made by Vauxhall / Opel, it is made in Italy by Fiat ! I am very angry about this and can no longer believe that I have bought a Vauxhall car when an absolutely major part, the engine, is Italian i.e. Fiat ! I believe I should have been informed about this major feature before buying the car and I wouldn't have bought it ! I'm afraid I do not have good opinions of Italian built cars, probably dating all the way back to the sixties or seventies when Fiats were known as rust buckets !
Added: 12th of October 2016
Having had my Vectra for a while now I am impressed with its comfort levels & reliability.
Added: 12th of October 2016
I always have to buy secondhand due to my desire to not get into any form of higher purchase or personal loan. Usually buy when 2 to 3 years old and don't mind if it is an ex fleet or lease car with high mileage, as these vehicles usually have a good service record and have mostly been used for motorway driving. I always check for signs that it has not been used for private hire or commercial traveling by obvious body marks, boot or tailgate marks and condition. check the service records and use a search engine to look at possible insurance claims. Most of my driving requirements are for city driving with 4 or 5 long distance travel journeys within the UK or Europe each year. I travel to the Highlands of Scotland on a number of times each year and so use A roads and B roads most of the time so I need a vehicle that is reliable and comfortable for hours of constant driving. I have found that this vehicle has been very good on fuel consumption such as doing 480 - 500 miles on a full tank of unleaded fuel. Very reasonable expense for servicing and spare parts together with ease of obtaining replacement parts due to normal wear and tear.
Added: 12th of October 2016
The VXR has been a very reliable car with surplus power that has never let me down in over 165000 miles, it has only needed tyres and normal servicing, most of the travel has been done in a hurry to catch ferry's and other such things. It has the space to carry camping gear and what ever was needed and able to be able to travel comfortably for long distances, great model.
Added: 12th of October 2016
I have had several Vauxhall cars over the years and all have performed excellently. Reliable and average costs make them a good buy. The advantage of buying cars from world wide car manufactures is that they get the ergonomics right and the feel of the road is excellent , l am well pleased with my Vectras which have all performed excellently except for the 2000 one which Vauxhalls costs caused me to scrap it when it was still perfectly driveable !!
Added: 11th of October 2016
Quiet and comfortable ride in my SRi with a very large boot. Car is reliable but bulbs and headlamp bulbs tend to need replacing fairly often. Bodywork fairly good and feels solid, giving me confidence of escaping injury should it be involved in an accident. On snow and ice it tends to want to continue straight on owing to the weight of the car and so needs a very gentle action on the brake and accelerator. Rather hungry on petrol though and car tax is expensive.
Added: 11th of October 2016
It is the fifth Vauxhall that I have owned since driving a Roveer 3500 for 17 years, and "into the ground ..."' need I say more...??
Added: 11th of October 2016
My present car has served me well And I have no intention of changing it any time soon.
Added: 11th of October 2016
we have 3 Vectra c's petrol and diesel, saloon and estate . regularly travel to france . plenty of performance, comfort and reliability. the petrol has 150000 miles on, is ex police and still performs
Added: 11th of October 2016
Car very reliable, I've had it around 5 1/2 years now and do around 9,000 miles per year
Added: 11th of October 2016
Generally, the performance, comfort and practicality of this car has been satisfactory. What has let it down has been the number of niggling electrical faults i.e Tailgate electrical operation failure, Interior lights fail to operate on door opening, miscellaneous and ongoing problems with brake,fog and reversing lights.
Added: 11th of October 2016
This car is comfortable and reliable. There is ample space for holiday luggage. The fuel consumption is a bit high compared with more modern vehicles but I do only 4000 miles per year. What is really good about this car is that the 'engineering' is solid, reliable and will accept some abuse without failing. Steering is positive; dashboard is visible. Overall I like it and it suits me.
Added: 16th of May 2016
I have had a signum before which is basically the same car apart from more space in the back for passengers and it was an 8v version where as the vectra if have purchased is a 16v and I am at present very pleased with the car and it has very low mileage for its age as I say I am very happy with this car at the present it does help if you tend to prefer vauxhalls like I do great car good price.
Added: 5th of February 2015
Everything is as expected for this car
Added: 22nd of August 2014
Running very well, normal repair service parts for mileage.. cam belt, clutch, brakes, suspension springs (replaced under warranty) & bushes. No rust showing yet.