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Added: 17th of November 2013
Although my KA is now 14 years old it never fails to amaze me! Nippy, reliable and surprisingly spacious, it starts first time in all weather and never lets me down. The price of a tank of fuel has risen: from around £30 some 7 years ago to around £40 today. I do mainly local trips; the longest each week being a 16 mile round trip. A tank of fuel will last therefore about a month. Pretty good ! The KA is a Ford and is historically reasonable to maintain and service and parts are readily available. I use an excellent local garage. On a personal note, i bought the car at a particularly difficult time in my family's life and it is associated with us moving forward. It has a name and because of its colour, is locally recognisable. I couldn't pull off a bank robber and get away unidentified! My previous car was a Toyota Rav 4. It was much newer and much bigger of course. I would not go back. I am very much a small car convert. My KA is like one of the family and i dread the day when it no longer runs. It will be black arm bands all round!
Added: 17th of November 2013
one of the best cars I have ever purchased, for low cost driving and tax only £3o a year.
Added: 16th of November 2013
i love my little car we use it as a second car but i much prefer to the renault scenic as it is so good in the winter.and it never lets me down in spite of its age.it is very economical.
Added: 16th of November 2013
My car is named Bluebell because she is blue. We go everywhere together. She is reliable, hardly ever breaks down because I look after her and she looks after me. She is nippy, has good acceleration and zips down the motorway like a gud'un She sails through her annual MOT and her only problems are ones that would occur in any car under normal circumstances. I would recommend Ford Ka's to anyone but if you go on holiday with more than one passenger and luggage, you run out of space, but for a single person she is ideal.
Added: 16th of November 2013
It's a great little car, both for longer and shorter journeys. I just wish they hadn't changed the look of it; it was so individual before.
Added: 16th of November 2013
It's an ideal car for one person. It holds a vast amount when the back seats are dropped, looks are very deceiving with this car. It's easy to park and to get around in, as it's so small and an easy drive. The downside is that the car is extremely light and so doesn't grip the road well in poor conditions, a little concerning even for the experienced driver. It also has power steering and it really isn't necessary for such a small and light car.
Added: 16th of November 2013
I have been pleased with this car, although these days it needs work doing for each MOT test and possibly can cost more than its value now. The mechanics said that KAs are 'rust buckets' when I queried why welding should be needed two years running, whereas my previous Polo had shown no rust even after 13 years. Nevertheless I have enjoyed the 'nippiness' of the car and it never cost me much during the years of running.
Added: 16th of November 2013
I have had my KA from new. I am very pleased with the years of service it has given me and my family. I have spent very little on repairs considering its age.
Added: 16th of November 2013
I have enjoyed 9 years of motoring in my little Ford Ka. He's been the cheapest to run, never goes wrong, always starts first time and is a nippy little thing too. Just wish Ford would do something. About rust! Why can Nissan get it right but Ford seem to continue making cars that rust. Sadly that will be why I have to send Bubbles ( the Ka) to that scrap heap in the sky where all good cars eventually end up) shame because I think he's engine and mechanical bits would have done about 200,000 miles!
Added: 16th of November 2013
Fab little car - perfect for me and my little dog - love it to bits - it looks good and performs well - has plenty of oomph!!
Added: 15th of November 2013
my car is very very simple and very low cost to run - that is the reason for buying this kind of car
Added: 15th of November 2013
A very practical and nippy small car. Boot space a bit limited. Have not had to spend very much on maintenance and to date have not broken down at all. Downside failed MOT for the past 2 years due to rust on underside.
Added: 15th of November 2013
I find my KA very reliable and does its job for getting me to work and back i travel around 60miles a day around the lake district so it does take its toll on the little thing but it had served me well so far and haven't had any major problems. This is why i find it really disappointing that my insurance is so high im 21 and have 3 years no claims and changed from a 1.9 fiat bravo 2002 sport where i was paying 74.30 a month to paying 130.80 a month on my KA!
Added: 15th of November 2013
This is the second Ka I've bought from new and will probably purchase one again. It's reliable, cost effective and not heavy on petrol. I drive every day - to work and for my busy social life. It's nippy and great for parking. I like small cars and think the Ka is attractive to look at and deceptively spacious inside. The high gear stick sits in a snazzy control panel - cosmetic but hey ho. I've driven several hundred miles in one (literal) sitting and have been still fairly comfortable at the end of the journeys.
Added: 15th of November 2013
For many years our Ford ka was the third car in the family. Husband drove a large BMW and daughter had a larger ford. many times there was a fight as to who should take the smaller nippier ka.Now we own two kas and each of us is happy with the smaller easier to park,refuel,run K a
Added: 15th of November 2013
I have now owned 2 Ford Kas as I find them to be cheap to run and fix and very reliable. I rarely have back seat passengers and when I do it is only for short trips so I don't mind that there are only 2 seats in the back. The boot is rather small but again I don't often feel that I need bigger boots space. I mainly use my car for getting to and from work and university
Added: 15th of November 2013
I am about to take delivery of my fourth Ford Ka, the first being the previous model and have changed every year since 2011. I find the car easy to manoeuvre, easy to park in the street where I live which, although a fairly quiet residential street, it can be difficult to find a space, especially at weekends when everyone is home. I have had cause on many occasions to bless my little car! I find it quite a "nippy" little car which suits my needs down to the ground. I cannot complaint either about the costs as the road tax is minimal. So all in all the Ford KA is the best choice for me.
Added: 15th of November 2013
Cheap insurance and road tax, cheap car to run. Reliable and comfortable. Easy to drive.
Added: 15th of November 2013
There's not much to say really about the generation 1 Ford Ka that hasn't already been said. It's quite slow, not particularly comfortable over long distances and is surprisingly thirsty compared to other similar sized cars (mainly due to the old style engines). That said, it gets me to work and back (45 mile round trip) every day and with the exception of servicing / consumable costs it's been trouble free motoring for the past 3 years. Despite its lack of punch its remarkably nimble round country lanes - on a recent trip to Cornwall I had a significant amount of fun driving around the coastal roads not really having to worry (too much) about the narrow roads, fun I wouldn't have had in a larger car. It's bargain basement motoring and I don't regret for 1 second buying it. Although next time I might up size to a 4 door Fiesta instead... as the lack of space and comfort (at times) can be a bit frustrating...
Added: 15th of November 2013
My first brand new car after 25 years of driving. It's not the most exciting car in the world, but it works, it's economical and it's fairly comfortable to drive for a small car. One negative feature from my perspective is that when trying to change lanes, the view out of the rear side windows is pretty poor.